Official journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists' Union


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Harrison C.J.O. (1963) The displays of some Starlings (Sturnidae) and their taxonomic value. ARDEA 51 (1): 44-52
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Similar nodding displays, in which the head is bowed and some of the plumage erected, are described for Sturnus nigricollis, S. melanopterus, Acridotheres gingianus, A. tristis, and A. fuscus. Leucopsar rothschildi has a display in which the head is thrust upwards and forwards. Creatophora cinerea displays in a crouching posture with head and neck extended forwards. The display of L. rothschildi is considered homologous with the nodding display of the other species; that of C. cinerea is homologous with those of S. vulgaris and S. roseus. In view of the affinities shown by S. nigricollis and S. melanopterus it is proposed that these two species should be transferred to Acridotheres, together with S. burmanicus. There appear to be valid plumage characters to support this arrangement.

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