Official journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists' Union


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Hulsman K. (1987) Resource partipitioning amoong sympatric species of tern. ARDEA 75 (2): 255-262
Resource partitioning among six species of tern was studied on the Great Barrier Reef. A multivariate cluster technique grouped six species of tern into four feeding guilds on the basis of four morphological characters, use of foraging zones, prey type and size. Attributes of prey type and size were the most important in dividing the terns into guilds. Closely related species were separated by a few attributes each of which made a large contribution to the difference between them. Species not closely related were separated by many attributes with each making a small contribution to the difference between them. Some of the dimensions that describe the niche of a species are dynamic. Therefore the extent of resource partitioning between sympatric terms may vary with time. Changes in attributes separating guilds during the course of the breeding season may have resulted from seasonal movements and growth of prey and/or changes in the nutrient requirements of adults or chicks.

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