Official journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists' Union


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Groen N.M. & Hemerik L. (2002) Reproductive success and survival of Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa in a declining local population in the Netherlands. ARDEA 90 (2): 239-248
During a monitoring study from 1984-87, a population of 70-95 breeding pairs of the Black-tailed Godwit Limosa limosa and their offspring were observed. Clutch size, fraction hatched, fledging probability, first year survival and the yearly resight probability for birds returning to the study area were estimated. Nest success ranged from 41.4% to 74.6%. The survival of chicks to fledging was significantly lower in cold and wet springs (20.8%) than in springs with average rainfall and temperatures (44.4%). We estimated productivity at 0.58 -1.18 fledged chicks per pair. In the course of the study the net productivity decreased. For all godwits marked as chicks, males were resighted more frequently than females and at a higher average maximum age. Annual adult survival was 81.4%, with no significant survival difference between the sexes. A population model shows that the studied population is not in balance and incurs a yearly net loss

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