Searching for: [nummer] = 104 (3)
Piersma T. (2016) Editorial: Ornithology from the flatlands. ARDEA 104 (3) : 195 - 197. |
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van Oosten H.H. (2016) Comparative breeding biology of three insectivorous songbirds in Dutch dune grasslands. ARDEA 104 (3) : 199 - 212. |
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Kentie R., Senner N.R., Hooijmeijer J.C.E.W., Márquez-Ferrando R., Figuerola J., Masero J.A., Verhoeven M.A. & Piersma T. (2016) Estimating the size of the Dutch breeding population of Continental Black-tailed Godwits from 2007–2015 using resighting data from spring staging sites. ARDEA 104 (3) : 213 - 225. |
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Hedh L. & Hedenström A. (2016) Autumn migration strategies and trapping numbers in the Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula in southern Sweden. ARDEA 104 (3) : 227 - 237. |
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Tinbergen J.M. & Heemskerk L.M. (2016) Local Black Tern Chlidonias niger population trends in relation to nest platform provisioning. ARDEA 104 (3) : 239 - 252. |
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Masoero G., Tamietti A., Boano G. & Caprio E. (2016) Apparent constant adult survival of a Sand Martin Riparia riparia population in relation to climatic variables. ARDEA 104 (3) : 253 - 262. |
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Boeken M. (2016) Breeding success of Red-billed Tropicbirds Phaethon aethereus on the Caribbean island of Saba. ARDEA 104 (3) : 263 - 271. |
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Miguélez D., GarcÃa-Tejero S., Hernández Ã. & Valladares L.F. (2016) Diet selection of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola during its post-nuptial migration stopover in NW Spain. ARDEA 104 (3) : 273 - 282. |
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Zieliński J. (2016) Partial incubation during the egg-laying period in the Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla. ARDEA 104 (3) : 283 - 287. |
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Book reviews (2016) . ARDEA 104 (3) : 289 - 291. |
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