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Searching for: [nummer] = 107 (2)

Piersma T. (2019) Editorial: Ornithology from the flatlands. Seasonal selective forces and innovations in bird migration. ARDEA 107 (2) : 115 - 117. [free copy]
Denac K., Kmecl P. & Koce U. (2019) Habitat use of Eurasian Scops Owls Otus scops in an agricultural mosaic landscape. ARDEA 107 (2) : 119 - 129. [abstract]
Zawadzki L.C., Veit R.R. & Manne L.L. (2019) The influence of population growth and wind on vagrancy in a North American passerine. ARDEA 107 (2) : 131 - 147. [abstract]
Wieringa A., Klaassen R.H.G., Schlaich A.E. & Koks B.J. (2019) Increased food provisioning by female Montagu's Harriers in years with food shortage weakens sex-specific roles in parental care. ARDEA 107 (2) : 149 - 158. [abstract]
Indykiewicz P. & Minias P. (2019) A non-invasive method to reduce the negative impact of Black-headed Gulls Chroicocephalus ridibundus on the breeding success of Common Terns Sterna hirundo. ARDEA 107 (2) : 159 - 171. [abstract]
Pakkala T., Tiainen J., Piha M. & Kouki J. (2019) Hole life: survival patterns and reuse of cavities made by the Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos minor. ARDEA 107 (2) : 173 - 181. [abstract]
Pot M.T., de Koning S., Westerduin C., de Boer W.F., Shariati M. & Lameris T.K. (2019) Wintering geese trade-off energetic gains and costs when switching from agricultural to natural habitats. ARDEA 107 (2) : 183 - 196. [abstract]
Meltofte H., Durinck J., Jakobsen B., Nordstrøm C. & Rigét F.F. (2019) Trends in the autumn passage numbers of Arctic and boreal waders in W Denmark 1964–2017 as a contribution to East Atlantic Flyway population trends. ARDEA 107 (2) : 197 - 211. [abstract]
Jurinović L., Zec M., Dumbović Mazal V. & Kralj J. (2019) Explorative GPS-tracking of foraging movements by Audouin’s Gulls reveals no association with fishing vessels in Croatia. ARDEA 107 (2) : 213 - 221. [abstract]

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