Searching for: [nummer] = 77 (1)
Bedard J. & Gauthier G. (1989) Comparative energy budgets of Greater Snow Geese Chen caerulescens atlantica staging in two habitats in spring. ARDEA 77 (1) : 3 - 20. |
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Swennen C. (1989) Gull predation upon Eider Somateria mollissima ducklings destruction or elimination of the unfit? ARDEA 77 (1) : 21 - 46. |
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Underhill-Day J.C. (1989) The effect of predation by Marsh Harriers Circus aeruginosus on the survival of ducklings and game bird chicks. ARDEA 77 (1) : 47 - 56. |
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Altenburg W. & Van Spanje T. (1989) Utilization of mangroves by birds in Guinea-Bissau. ARDEA 77 (1) : 57 - 74. |
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Eens M., Pinxten R. & Verheyen R.F. (1989) Temporal and sequential organization of song bouts in the Starling. ARDEA 77 (1) : 75 - 86. |
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Cave A.J., Visser J. & Perdeck A.C. (1989) Size and quality of the Coot Fulica atra territory in relation to age of its tenants and neighbours. ARDEA 77 (1) : 87 - 98. |
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Perdeck A.C. & Cave A.J. (1989) Influence of temperature on the laying date of the Coot Fulica atra between-pairs and within-individuals relationships. ARDEA 77 (1) : 99 - 106. |
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Moreno J. (1989) Energetic constraints on uniparental incubation in the Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe. ARDEA 77 (1) : 107 - 115. |
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Matthysen E. (1989) Seasonal variation in bill morphology of Nuthatches Sitta europaea dietary adaptations or consequences? ARDEA 77 (1) : 117 - 125. |
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(1989) Bookreviews. ARDEA 77 (1) : 126 - 127. |
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