Ardea Official journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists' Union |
Schwilch R., Piersma T., Holmgren N.M.A. & Jenni L. (2002) Do migratory birds need a nap after a long non-stop flight? ARDEA 90 (1): 149-154 |
After a prolonged period of sleep deprivation, the urge to sleep overrules all other activities. Despite this well-known fact, the occurrence of sleep after naturally occurring sleep deprivation during long non-stop migratory flight in birds has hardly been investigated. The aim of this communication is to stimulate quantitative studies on the requirement for sleep in migrating birds. We present some observations on birds just after landing from a long non-stop flight which indicate that the urge to sleep may take preference over other activities. We ask the question whether sleep deficits should be considered as an important factor shaping the behaviour after long flights and whether the need for sleep compensation during the day might shape the preferred duration of non-stop flights in night migrants |