Official journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists' Union


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Farago S., Kovcas G. & Sterbetz T. (1991) Goose populations staging and wintering in Hungary 1984-1988. ARDEA 79 (2): 161-163
Results are presented of surveys performed in the period 1984-1988 at 16 roosting sites in Hungary. Bean Geese were most abundant (almost 200 000 in November 1984), but their numbers decreased considerably. Most Bean Geese were observed in Transdanubia, whereas White-Fronted, Greylag and Lesser White-fronted Geese preferred the Great Hungarian Plain. The number of White-fronted Geese (over 60 000 in November 1984) also decreased, but less strongly. The number of Greylag Geese varied around 6000 in November. The winter population of Lesser White-fronted Geese in Hungary, comprising less than 500 individuals, seems to be in danger.

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