GUIDELINES TO AUTHORS | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Guidelines to authors
ARDEA welcomes manuscripts reporting significant new findings in ornithology, including sound descriptive work.
Emphasis is on studies covering the ecology, life history, and evolution of birds. All submissions should be in English
and are subject to peer review by at least two independent referees and a corresponding editor. The editor reserves the
right to reject without review.
Manuscripts - Only electronic submissions are accepted. You can submit your manuscript at as a single file, including all Tables and Figures (file format: Word for Windows or RTF). Submission implies that the work is not being considered for publication elsewhere and that it has been approved by all authors. Articles should not exceed 12 pages in print (c. 750 words per page, excluding Tables and Figures). Printing costs for articles exceeding 12 pages will be charged to the author. Short notes should not exceed 5 pages in print, including no more than two tables or figures. Manuscripts should be structured as follows:
*ARDEA offers the possibility to add end notes to your paper for extended statistical information that would otherwise clutter the text. The abstract should reflect both content and emphasis of the paper. The introduction should be restricted to scope, purpose and the rationale of the study. Limit the information on material and methods to what is essential to judge whether the findings are valid. Units and abbreviations should conform to the S.I. system where possible. Details of statistical analysis to be included are type of test, value of the relevant test statistic, sample size and/or degrees of freedom and probability level. Commonplace statistical abbreviations such as ANOVA, SD, SE, df, t-test, χ2, F, P, n, r, rs should be used. A post-fix to the test statistic symbol is preferred to present the degrees of freedom, e.g. x23, F12,34. References - Cited literature should be restricted to published papers. Only papers that have been accepted for publication may be incorporated, with the notation 'in press' (and the journal in which it will appear). Unpublished data, manuscripts in preparation and unpublished papers should be noted as 'pers. comm.' or 'unpubl. data'. References in the text should be in order of publication, e.g. (Dawson & Grick 2005, Minton et al. 2007). In the reference list the literature cited should be in alphabetical order by the first word of the family name (e.g. van Eerden under V). Please use the following system. Articles in journals: Hanssen S.A., Folstad I. & Erikstad K.E. 2006. White plumage reflects individual quality in female eiders. Anim. Behav. 71: 337-343. Books: Greenstreet S.P.R. & Tasker M.L. (eds) 1996. Aquatic predators and their prey. Fishing News Books, Oxford. Chapters in books and proceedings: Bazely D.R. & Jefferies R.L. 1996. Trophic interactions in arctic ecosystems and the occurrence of a terrestrial trophic cascade. In: Woodin S.J. & Marquiss M. (eds) Ecology of arctic environments. Blackwell Science, Oxford, pp. 183-205. Illustrations and graphics - Figures do not need to be definitive, because they will be redrawn by our graphical department. However, figures need to be clear enough for referees and editors to review. Submission of illustrative photos supporting the text (as separate jpg or tiff) is encouraged. Photos should be at least 300 dpi when printed 16 cm wide. Figures and photos should be numbered in sequence of reference in the text. Colour illustrations - Colour illustrations that support the information given in the paper are welcomed. Illustrations should be at least 300 dpi when printed 16 cm wide. They will be depicted in colour in the online pdf of the paper, however, for a colour print in the paper copy of ARDEA, financial support from the author(s) is required. One page containing colour illustrations costs €138,- to print. An invoice will be sent to the authors after acceptance of the manuscript. Tables - Tables should be concise and self-explanatory. Avoid landscape formats whnever possible. Tables that contain important information but are not indispensable to follow the reasoning in the text are placed, depending on size and space, in appendices at the end of the paper or at the ARDEA website. Accepted papers - The text of accepted manuscripts is edited to enhance communication between author and reader. Proofs are provided as a PDF. In the proof stage only essential corrections can be made, and any additional alterations are charged to the author. Corrected proofs should be returned within one week. Corresponding authors receive an electronic pdf-version of the final publication. Open Access - Authors can publish their paper without access restrictions (Open Access; CC BY). The current article processing charge is €600, which will be charged after acceptance of the manuscript. Editorial correspondence should be addressed to the managing editor Popko Wiersma ( | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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