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Searching for: [nummer] = 78 (3)

Alonso J.C., Alonso J.A., Cantos F.J. & Bautista L.M. (1990) Spring Crane Grus grus migration through Gallocanta Spain i. Daily variations in migration volume. ARDEA 78 (3) : 365 - 378. [abstract]
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Alonso J.A., Alonso J.C., Cantos F.J. & Bautista L.M. (1990) Spring Crane Grus grus migration through Gallocanta Spain ii. Timing and pattern of daily departures. ARDEA 78 (3) : 379 - 386. [abstract]
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Donazar J.A. & Ceballos O. (1990) Post-fledging dependence period and development of flight and foraging behaviour in the Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus. ARDEA 78 (3) : 387 - 394. [abstract]
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Ferrer M., Garcia L. & Cadenas R. (1990) Long-term changes in nest defense intensity of the Spanish Imperial Eagle Aquila adalberti. ARDEA 78 (3) : 395 - 398. [abstract]
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Carrascal L.M., Alonso J.C. & Alonso J.A. (1990) Aggregation size and foraging behaviour of White Storks Ciconia ciconia during the breeding season. ARDEA 78 (3) : 399 - 404. [abstract]
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Green R.E., Hirons G.M. & Kirby J.S. (1990) The effectiveness of nest defense by Black-Tailed Godwits Limosa limosa. ARDEA 78 (3) : 405 - 413. [abstract]
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Lambeck R.D. (1990) The applicability of age ratio and brood size counts in population dynamic studies of the Brent Goose Branta bernicla bernicla. ARDEA 78 (3) : 414 - 425. [abstract]
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Lambeck R.D. (1990) Differences in migratory pattern and habitat choice between social classes of the Brent Goose Branta bernicla bernicla. ARDEA 78 (3) : 426 - 440. [abstract]
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Herremans M. (1990) Taxonomy and evolution in Redpolls Carduelis flammea hornemanni a multivariate study of their biometry. ARDEA 78 (3) : 441 - 458. [abstract]
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Adriaensen F. & Dhondt A.A. (1990) Territoriality in the continental European Robin Erithacus rubecula rubecula. ARDEA 78 (3) : 459 - 465. [abstract]
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