Official journal of the Netherlands Ornithologists' Union


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Madsen J. (1991) Status and trends of goose populations in the western palearctic in the 1980s. ARDEA 79 (2): 113-122
This paper reviews the status and trends of goose populations wintering and/or breeding in the western Palearctic in the 1980s. Counts have been performed in almost all countries harbouring geese in winter, and are coordinated by the IWRB Goose Research Group. Nine species occur in substantial numbers, including the introduced Canada Goose, forming 24 more-or-less strictly defined populations. In total there are approximately 2 million geese in these populations. Since the 1970s the number of western Palearctic geese has nearly doubled. Goose numbers have increased in 14 populations, remained stable in seven, have decreased in two and in one population the trend is unknown. The situation of the Lesser White-fronted Goose and the Svalbard Light-bellied Brent Goose population is critical.

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