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Kristiansen J.N. & Jarrett N.S. (2002) Inter-specific competition between Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris and Canada Geese Branta canadensis interior moulting in West Greenland: Mechanisms and consequences. ARDEA 90 (1) : 1 - 13. [abstract]
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Deregnaucourt S., Guyomarc'h J.C. & Aebischer N.J. (2002) Hybridization between European Quail Coturnix coturnix and Japanese Quail Coturnix japonica. ARDEA 90 (1) : 15 - 21. [abstract]
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Carss D.N. & Ekins G.R. (2002) Further European integration: Mixed sub-species colonies of Great Cormorants Phalacrocorax carbo in Britain - Colony establishment, diet, and implications for fisheries management. ARDEA 90 (1) : 23 - 41. [abstract]
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Jiguet F. & Ollivier D. (2002) Male phenotypic repeatability in the threatened Little Bustard Tetrax tetrax: A tool to estimate turnover and dispersal. ARDEA 90 (1) : 43 - 50. [abstract]
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Salek M. & Smilauer P. (2002) Predation on Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus nests: The effect of population density and spatial distribution of nests. ARDEA 90 (1) : 51 - 60. [abstract]
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O'Hara P.D., Lank D.B. & Delgado F.S. (2002) Is the timing of moult altered by migration? Evidence from a comparison of age and residency classes of Western Sandpipers Calidris mauri in Panama. ARDEA 90 (1) : 61 - 70. [abstract]
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Green M., Piersma T., Jukema J., De Goeij P., Spaans B. & Van Gils J. (2002) Radio-telemetry observations of the first 650 km of the migration of Bar-tailed Godwits Limosa lapponica from the Wadden Sea to the Russian Arctic. ARDEA 90 (1) : 71 - 80. [abstract]
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De Boer W.F. (2002) The shorebird community structure at an intertidal mudflat in southern Mozambique. ARDEA 90 (1) : 81 - 92. [abstract]
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Lindstrom A., Klaassen M., Piersma T., Holmgren N. & Wennerberg L. (2002) Fuel stores of juvenile waders on autumn migration in high arctic Canada. ARDEA 90 (1) : 93 - 101. [abstract]
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Camphuysen C.J. (2002) Post-fledging dispersal of Common Guillemots Uria aalge guarding chicks in the North Sea: The effect of predator presence and prey availability at sea. ARDEA 90 (1) : 103 - 119. [abstract]
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Rubolini D. & Schiavi M. (2002) Tail length correlates with fat stores in pre-migratory roosting Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica. ARDEA 90 (1) : 121 - 127. [abstract]
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Both C. (2002) Fitness costs of polygyny in female Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca. ARDEA 90 (1) : 129 - 138. [abstract]
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Laiolo P. & Rolando A. (2002) The begging call of the Red-billed Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax: An analysis of its spectrotemporal variability. ARDEA 90 (1) : 139 - 147. [abstract]
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Schwilch R., Piersma T., Holmgren N.M.A. & Jenni L. (2002) Do migratory birds need a nap after a long non-stop flight? ARDEA 90 (1) : 149 - 154. [abstract]
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Erni B., Liechti F., Underhill L.G. & Bruderer B. (2002) Wind and rain govern the intensity of nocturnal bird migration in central Europe - A log-linear regression analysis. ARDEA 90 (1) : 155 - 166. [abstract]
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Michaelsen T.C. & Byrkjedal I. (2002) 'Magic carpet' flight in shorebirds attacked by raptors on a migrational stopover site. ARDEA 90 (1) : 167 - 171. [abstract]
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Wattel J. (2002) Karel Hendrik Voous (1920-2002) - In memoriam. ARDEA 90 (1) : 189 - 200. [free copy]
Stahl J., Bos D. & Loonen M.J.J.E. (2002) Foraging along a salinity gradient: The effect of tidal inundation on site choice by Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta bernicla and Barnacle Geese B. leucopsis. ARDEA 90 (2) : 201 - 212. [abstract]
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Tryjanowski P. & Kuzniak S. (2002) Population size and productivity of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia in relation to Common Vole Microtus arvalis density. ARDEA 90 (2) : 213 - 217. [abstract]
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Hazlitt S.L., Ydenberg R.C. & Lank D.B. (2002) Territory structure, parental provisioning, and chick growth in the American Black Oystercatcher Haematopus bachmani. ARDEA 90 (2) : 219 - 227. [abstract]
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McGowan A., Cresswell W. & Ruxton G.D. (2002) The effects of daily weather variation on foraging and responsiveness to disturbance in overwintering Red Knot Calidris canutus. ARDEA 90 (2) : 229 - 237. [abstract]
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Groen N.M. & Hemerik L. (2002) Reproductive success and survival of Black-tailed Godwits Limosa limosa in a declining local population in the Netherlands. ARDEA 90 (2) : 239 - 248. [abstract]
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Marchesan M. (2002) Operational sex ratio and breeding strategies in the Feral Pigeon Columba livia. ARDEA 90 (2) : 249 - 257. [abstract]
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Roulin A. (2002) Short- and long-term fitness correlates of rearing conditions in Barn Owls Tyto alba. ARDEA 90 (2) : 259 - 267. [abstract]
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Van Den Burg A.B. (2002) A comparison of nutrient allocation in eggs of Barn Owls Tyto alba and Eurasian Sparrowhawks Accipiter nisus. ARDEA 90 (2) : 269 - 274. [abstract]
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Exnerova A., Jarosik V. & Kristin A. (2002) Variation in foraging mode of the Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe. ARDEA 90 (2) : 275 - 284. [abstract]
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Redfern C.P.F., Douglas G.W. & Halliday T.A. (2002) Intestine length and mass relative to fat in migrating Redwings Turdus iliacus. ARDEA 90 (2) : 285 - 292. [abstract]
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Faivre B., Secondi J., Frochot B. & Cezilly F. (2002) Local survival and breeding ecology in an expanding population of Melodious Warbler Hippolais polyglotta. ARDEA 90 (2) : 293 - 301. [abstract]
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Herrando S., Brotons L., del Amo R. & Llacuna S. (2002) Bird community succession after fire in a dry Mediterranean shrubland. ARDEA 90 (2) : 303 - 310. [abstract]
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Ward J.M., Blount J.D., Ruxton G.D. & Houston D.C. (2002) The adaptive significance of dark plumage for birds in desert environments. ARDEA 90 (2) : 311 - 323. [abstract]
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Komenda-Zehnder S., Liechti F. & Bruderer B. (2002) Is reverse migration a common feature of nocturnal bird migration? An analysis of radar data from Israel. ARDEA 90 (2) : 325 - 334. [abstract]
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Boertmann D. & Egevang C. (2002) Canada Geese Branta canadensis in West Greenland: In conflict with Greenland White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flavirostris? ARDEA 90 (2) : 335 - 336. [abstract]
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Dawson A. (2002) Photoperiodic control of the annual cycle in birds and comparison with mammals. ARDEA 90 (3) : 355 - 367. [abstract]
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Coppack T. & Both C. (2002) Predicting life-cycle adaptation of migratory birds to global climate change. ARDEA 90 (3) : 369 - 378. [abstract]
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Hoetker H. (2002) Arrival of Pied Avocets Recurvirostra avosetta at the breeding site: Effects of winter quarters and consequences for reproductive success. ARDEA 90 (3) : 379 - 387. [abstract]
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Ludwigs J.D. & Becker P.H. (2002) The hurdle of recruitment: Influences of arrival date, colony experience and sex in the Common Tern Sterna hirundo. ARDEA 90 (3) : 389 - 399. [abstract]
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Bojarinova J.G., Rymkevich T.A. & Smirnov O.P. (2002) Timing of autumn migration of early and late-hatched Great Tits Parus major in NW Russia. ARDEA 90 (3) : 401 - 409. [abstract]
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Zenatello M., Serra L. & Baccetti N. (2002) Trade-offs among body mass and primary moult patterns in migrating Black Terns Chlidonias niger. ARDEA 90 (3) : 411 - 420. [abstract]
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van der Winden J. (2002) The odyssey of the Black Tern Chlidonias niger: Migration ecology in Europe and Africa. ARDEA 90 (3) : 421 - 435. [abstract]
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Beekman J.H., Nolet B.A. & Klaassen M. (2002) Skipping swans: Fuelling rates and wind conditions determine differential use of migratory stopover sites of Bewick's Swans Cygnus bewickii. ARDEA 90 (3) : 437 - 459. [abstract]
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Sternberg H., Grinkov V.G., Ivankina E.V., Ilyina T.A., Kerimov A.B. & Schwarz A. (2002) Evaluation of the size and composition of nonbreeding surplus in a Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca population: Removal experiments in Germany and Russia. ARDEA 90 (3) : 461 - 470. [abstract]
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Dierschke J. & Bairlein F. (2002) Why did granivorous passerines wintering in Wadden Sea salt marshes decline? ARDEA 90 (3) : 471 - 477. [abstract]
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Salewski V., Falk K.H., Bairlein F. & Leisler B. (2002) Numbers, body mass and fat scores of three Palearctic migrants at a constant effort mist netting site in Ivory Coast, West Africa. ARDEA 90 (3) : 479 - 487. [abstract]
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Remisiewicz M. (2002) The spatio-temporal pattern to Robin Erithacus rubecula migration: Evidence from ringing recoveries. ARDEA 90 (3) : 489 - 502. [abstract]
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Baker A.J. (2002) The deep roots of bird migration: Inferences from the historical record preserved in DNA. ARDEA 90 (3) : 503 - 513. [abstract]
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Bolshakov C.V. (2002) The Palaearctic-African bird migration system: The role of desert and highland barrier of western Asia. ARDEA 90 (3) : 515 - 523. [abstract]
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Rappole J.H. & Jones P. (2002) Evolution of old and new world migration systems. ARDEA 90 (3) : 525 - 537. [abstract]
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