The changing birdscape of wetlands Edited by Rob G. Bijlsma, Maarten Platteeuw and Mennobart R. van Eerden | ![]() list of papers below |
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Volume 98 (3)
Bijlsma R.G., Platteeuw M. & van Eerden M.R. (2010) Wetlands and birds: expected and unexpected changes in the birdscape. ARDEA 98 (3): 259 - 263. |
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van Eerden M.R., Lenselink G. & Zijlstra M. (2010) Long-term changes in wetland area and composition in The Netherlands affecting the carrying capacity for wintering waterbirds. ARDEA 98 (3): 265 - 282. |
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van Turnhout C.A.M.,Hagemeijer E.J.M. & Foppen R.P.B. (2010) Long-term population developments in typical marshland birds in The Netherlands. ARDEA 98 (3): 283 - 299. |
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Dyrcz A. (2010) Polish wetlands and marshland birds: looking for undisturbed references. ARDEA 98 (3): 301 - 308. |
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Nager R.G., Hafner H., Johnson A.R. & CĂ©zilly F. (2010) Environmental impacts on wetland birds: long-term monitoring programmes in the Camargue, France. ARDEA 98 (3): 309 - 318. |
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Vulink J.T., van Eerden M.R. & Drent R.H. (2010) Abundance of migratory and wintering geese in relation to vegetation succession in man-made wetlands: the effects of grazing regimes. ARDEA 98 (3): 319 - 327. |
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Voslamber B. & Vulink J.T. (2010) Experimental manipulation of water table and grazing pressure as a tool for developing and maintaining habitat diversity for waterbirds. ARDEA 98 (3): 329 - 338. |
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Beemster N., Troost E. & Platteeuw M. (2010) Early successional stages of Reed Phragmites australis vegetations and its importance for the Bearded Reedling Panurus biarmicus in Oostvaardersplassen, The Netherlands. ARDEA 98 (3): 339 - 354. |
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Voslamber B., Platteeuw M. & van Eerden M.R. (2010) Individual differences in feeding habits in a newly established Great Egret Casmerodius albus population: key factors for recolonisation. ARDEA 98 (3): 355 - 363. |
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Beintema A.J., van der Winden J., Baarspul T., de Krijger J.P., van Oers K. & Keller M. (2010) Black Terns Chlidonias niger and their dietary problems in Dutch wetlands. ARDEA 98 (3): 365 - 372. |
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van Rijn S., Zijlstra M. & Bijlsma R.G. (2010) Wintering White-tailed Eagles Haliaeetus albicilla in The Netherlands: aspects of habitat scale and quality. ARDEA 98 (3): 373 - 382. |
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Bosschieter L., Goedhart P.W., Foppen R.P.B. & Vos C.C. (2010) Modelling small-scale dispersal of the Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus in a fragmented landscape. ARDEA 98 (3): 383 - 394. |
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van der Winden J., Poot M.J.M. & van Horssen P.W. (2010) Large birds can migrate fast: the post-breeding flight of the Purple Heron Ardea purpurea to the Sahel. ARDEA 98 (3): 395 - 402. |
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Platteeuw M., Foppen R.P.B. & van Eerden M.R. (2010) The need for future wetland bird studies: scales of habitat use as input for ecological restoration and spatial water management. ARDEA 98 (3): 403 - 416. |
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