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Searching for: [nummer] = 77 (2)

Baerends G.P. (1989) In memoriam Nikolaas Tinbergen (1907-1988). ARDEA 77 (2) : 129 - 144. [abstract]
Summers R.W., Underhill L.G., Clinning C.F. & Nicoll M. (1989) Populations migrations biometrics and moult of the Turnstone Arenaria interpres interpres on the East Atlantic coastline with special reference to the Siberian population. ARDEA 77 (2) : 145 - 168. [abstract]
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Beintema A.J. & Visser G.H. (1989) Growth parameters in chicks of charadriiform birds. ARDEA 77 (2) : 169 - 180. [abstract]
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Beintema A.J. & Visser G.H. (1989) The effect of weather on time budgets and development of chicks of meadow birds. ARDEA 77 (2) : 181 - 192. [abstract]
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Klaassen M., Bech C. & Slagsvold G. (1989) Basal metabolic rate and thermal conductance in Arctic Tern chicks and the effect of heat increment of feeding on thermoregulatory expenses. ARDEA 77 (2) : 193 - 200. [abstract]
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Burger J. & Gochfeld M. (1989) Age differences in Cattle Egrets Bubulcus ibis foraging with wild ungulates in Kenya. ARDEA 77 (2) : 201 - 204. [abstract]
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Hockey P.R., Ryan P.G. & Bosman A.L. (1989) Age-related intraspecific kleptoparasitism and foraging success of Kelp Gulls Larus dominicanus. ARDEA 77 (2) : 205 - 210. [abstract]
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Veltman C.J. (1989) Effects of experimental food addition on post-natal dispersal polygyny and reproductive success in pair-defended territories of the Australian Magpie Gymnorhina tibicen. ARDEA 77 (2) : 211 - 216. [abstract]
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Donazar J.A. & Ceballos O. (1989) Growth rates of nestling Egyptian Vultures Neophron percnopterus in relation to brood size hatching order and environmental factors. ARDEA 77 (2) : 217 - 226. [abstract]
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Languy M. & Vansteenwegen C. (1989) Influence of parental age on the growth of nestling Swallows Hirundo rustica. ARDEA 77 (2) : 227 - 232. [abstract]
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