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Bijlsma R.G. (2004) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 92 (2) : 143 - 144. [free copy]
Green M. (2004) Flying with the wind – spring migration of Arctic-breeding waders and geese over South Sweden. ARDEA 92 (2) : 145 - 159. [abstract]
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Nijman V. (2004) Magnitude and timing of migrant raptors in central Java, Indonesia. ARDEA 92 (2) : 161 - 168. [abstract]
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DeCandido R., Allen D. & Yosef R. (2004) A comparison of spring migration phenology of bee-eaters and Oriental Honey-buzzards Pernis ptilorhyncus at Tanjung Tuan, Malaysia, 2000-01. ARDEA 92 (2) : 169 - 173. [abstract]
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Giannangeli L., de Sanctis A., Manginelli R. & Medina F.M. (2004) Seasonal variation of the diet of the Stone Curlew Burhinus oedicnemus distinctus at the island of La Palma, Canary Islands. ARDEA 92 (2) : 175 - 184. [abstract]
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Bishop M.A. (2004) Differential spring migration by male and female Western Sandpipers Calidris mauri at interior and coastal stopover sites. ARDEA 92 (2) : 185 - 196. [abstract]
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Wilson L.J., Daunt F. & Wanless S. (2004) Self-feeding and chick provisioning diet differ in the Common Guillemot Uria aalge. ARDEA 92 (2) : 197 - 207. [abstract]
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Herranz J., Traba J., Morales M.B. & Suárez F. (2004) Nest size and structure variation in two ground nesting passerines, the Skylark Alauda arvensis and the Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla. ARDEA 92 (2) : 209 - 218. [abstract]
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Wysocki D. (2004) Within-season divorce rate in an urban population of European Blackbird Turdus merula. ARDEA 92 (2) : 219 - 227. [abstract]
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Naef-Daenzer L., Nager R.G., Keller L.F. & Naef-Daenzer B. (2004) Are hatching delays a cost or a benefit for Great Tit Parus major parents? ARDEA 92 (2) : 229 - 237. [abstract]
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Hoset K.S., Espmark Y., Moksnes A., Haugan T., Ingebrigtsen M. & Lier M. (2004) Effect of ambient temperature on food provisioning and reproductive success in snow buntings Plectrophenax nivalis in the high arctic. ARDEA 92 (2) : 239 - 246. [abstract]
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Pandolfi M., Gaibani G. & Tanferna A. (2004) Depicts the number of breeding pairs reliably the status of Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus? ARDEA 92 (2) : 247 - 251. [abstract]
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Tryjanowski, P., Surmacki A. & Bednorz J. (2004) Effect of prior nesting success on future nest occupation in Raven Corvus corax. ARDEA 92 (2) : 251 - 254. [abstract]
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