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Bijlsma R.G. (2003) Editorial. Ornithology from the tree tops. ARDEA 91 (2) : 151 - 152. |
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Bos D. & Stahl J. (2003) Creating new foraging opportunities for Dark-bellied Brent Branta bernicla and Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis in spring insights from a large-scale experiment. ARDEA 91 (2) : 153 - 165. |
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Lewis S., Sherratt T.N., Hamer K.C., Harris M.P. & Wanless S. (2003) Contrasting diet quality of Northern Gannets Morus bassanus at two colonies. ARDEA 91 (2) : 167 - 176. |
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Poulin B. & Lefebvre G. (2003) Variation in booming among Great Bitterns Botaurus stellaris in the Camargue, France. ARDEA 91 (2) : 177 - 181. |
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Chamberlain D.E. & Crick H.Q.P. (2003) Temporal and spatial associations in aspects of reproductive performance of Lapwings Vanellus vanellus in the United Kingdom, 1962-99. ARDEA 91 (2) : 183 - 196. |
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Antonov A. & Atanasova D. (2003) Chick conditions in first and second broods in the Pallid Swift Apus pallidus. ARDEA 91 (2) : 197 - 204. |
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Scharlemann J.P.W. (2003) Long-term declines in eggshell thickness of Dutch thrushes Turdus spp. ARDEA 91 (2) : 205 - 211. |
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Catry P., Catry I., Catry T. & Martins T. (2003) Within and between-year winter-site fidelity of Chiffchaffs Phylloscopus collybita. ARDEA 91 (2) : 213 - 219. |
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Czeszczewik D. & Walankiewicz W. (2003) Natural nest sites of the Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca in a Primeval Forest. ARDEA 91 (2) : 221 - 229. |
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Nowakowski J.K. & Vahatalo A.V. (2003) Is the Great Tit Parus major an irruptive migrant in north-east Europe? ARDEA 91 (2) : 231 - 243. |
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Marques P.A.M. (2003) Male mate desertion in the Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis. ARDEA 91 (2) : 245 - 250. |
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Mezquida E.T. & Marone L. (2003) Comparison of the reproductive biology of two Poospiza warbling-finches of Argentina in wet and dry years. ARDEA 91 (2) : 251 - 262. |
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Coleman R.A., Salmon N.A. & Hawkins S.J. (2003) Sub-dispersive human disturbance of foraging Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 91 (2) : 263 - 268. |
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Both C., Edelaar P. & Renema W. (2003) Interference between the sexes in foraging Bar-tailed Godwits Limosa lapponica. ARDEA 91 (2) : 268 - 272. |
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Laiolo P. (2003) Ecological and behavioural divergence by foraging Red-billed Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax and Alpine Choughs P. graculus in the Himalayas. ARDEA 91 (2) : 273 - 277. |
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Sangster G., Van Den Berg A.B., van Loon A.J. & Roselaar C.S. (2003) Dutch avifaunal list: Taxonomic changes in 1999-2003. ARDEA 91 (2) : 279 - 285. |
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