Searching for: [jaar] = 2023
Thiaw I. (2023) Foreword. ARDEA 111 (1) : 1 - 2. |
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Theunis Piersma & El-Hacen M. El-Hacen (2023) To see, hear and speak: how counts of birds in individual trees help address the environmental causes of the Sahel. ARDEA 111 (1) : 3 - 6. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G, van der Kamp J. & Sikkema M. (2023) Distribution and numbers of ground-foraging birds between the hyper-arid Sahara and the hyperhumid Guinea forests. ARDEA 111 (1) : 7 - 66. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G, van der Kamp J. & Sikkema M. (2023) Distribution and numbers of arboreal birds between the hyper-arid Sahara and the hyper-humid Guinea forests. ARDEA 111 (1) : 67 - 102. |
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Bijlsma R.G., van der Kamp J. & Zwarts L. (2023) Distribution and relative density of raptors in the sub-Sahara during the dry season. ARDEA 111 (1) : 103 - 117. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Revisiting published distribution maps and estimates of population size of landbirds breeding in Eurasia and wintering in Africa. ARDEA 111 (1) : 119 - 142. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Selection by birds of shrub and tree species in the Sahel. ARDEA 111 (1) : 143 - 174. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Frequent agonistic interactions among arboreal birds in savannahs but not in humid forests of Africa. ARDEA 111 (1) : 175 - 188. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Savannah trees attract more migratory bird species than residents, but why? ARDEA 111 (1) : 189 - 206. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) The Gap of Chad, a dearth of migratory birds in the central Sahel. ARDEA 111 (1) : 207 - 226. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Seasonal shifts in habitat choice of birds in the Sahel and the importance of ‘refuge trees’ for surviving the dry season. ARDEA 111 (1) : 227 - 250. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Effects on birds of the conversion of savannah to farmland in the Sahel: habitats are lost, but not everywhere and not for all species. ARDEA 111 (1) : 251 - 268. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Downstream ecological consequences of livestock grazing in the Sahel: a space-for-time analysis of the relations between livestock and birds. ARDEA 111 (1) : 269 - 282. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Granivorous birds in the Sahel: is seed supply limiting bird numbers? ARDEA 111 (1) : 283 - 304. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Birds and bush fires in African savannahs. ARDEA 111 (1) : 305 - 314. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) Shrub-dwelling birds in the Sahel forage less often on the ground in grazed areas. ARDEA 111 (1) : 315 - 320. |
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Schlaich A.E., Bretagnolle V., Both C., Koks B.J. & Klaassen R.H.G. (2023) On the wintering ecology of Montagu’s Harriers in West Africa: itinerancy in relation to varying annual environmental conditions. ARDEA 111 (1) : 321 - 342. |
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Ouwehand J., Asso A.A., Johnston B., Bot S., Bil W., Groenewoud F. & Both C. (2023) Experimental food supplementation at African wintering sites allows for earlier and faster fuelling and reveals large flexibility in spring migration departure in Pied Flycatchers. ARDEA 111 (1) : 343 - 370. |
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Bil W., Asso A.A., van Eekelen P., Both C. & Ouwehand J. (2023) Living on the forest edge: flexible habitat use in sedentary Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca during the non-breeding season. ARDEA 111 (1) : 371 - 396. |
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Zwarts L., Bijlsma R.G. & van der Kamp J. (2023) The fortunes of migratory birds from Eurasia: being on a tightrope in the Sahel. ARDEA 111 (1) : 397 - 438. |
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Bijlsma R.G. (2023) Woodland raptors are declining and have fallen silent: is it pesticides, again? ARDEA 111 (2) : 439 - 441. | |
van Oosten H.H. (2023) Food provisioning and body mass of nestling Meadow Pipits and Cuckoos. ARDEA 111 (2) : 443 - 449. |
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Opaev A., Shishkina E. & Rubtsov A. (2023) Responses of Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella, Pine Bunting E. leucocephalos and their hybrids to playbacks of con- and heterospecific songs and calls in a hybrid zone. ARDEA 111 (2) : 451 - 462. |
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Opaev A., Shishkina E. & Rubtsov A. (2023) Responses of Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella, Pine Bunting E. leucocephalos and their hybrids to playbacks of con- and heterospecific songs and calls in a hybrid zone. ARDEA 111 (2) : 451 - 462. |
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Madden H., Boehm H. & Mielke L. (2023) Foraging ecology of Red-billed Tropicbirds on Saba, Caribbean Netherlands, during early chick-rearing. ARDEA 111 (2) : 463 - 475. |
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Hušek J., Klvaňa P. & Cepák J. (2023) Dynamics of naïve White Storks Ciconia ciconia migrating at the Central European migratory divide during 1947–2018. ARDEA 111 (2) : 477 - 486. |
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Oliveira N., Abreu P., Alonso H., Fagundes A.I., Macq A., Geraldes P.L. & Andrade J. (2023) The effect of environmental conditions on captures, survival and breeding success of a winter-breeding seabird. ARDEA 111 (2) : 487 - 500. |
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Gutiérrez-Expósito C., Clavero M. & Revilla E. (2023) Prioritizing the conservation and research efforts for poorly known species: the buttonquails (Turnicidae) as a study case. ARDEA 111 (2) : 501 - 510. |
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Garrido-Bautista J., Moreno-Rueda G., Nunes M., Ramos J.A. & Norte A.C. (2023) Nestling growth pattern and breeding biology in the Eurasian Nuthatch Sitta europaea. ARDEA 111 (2) : 511 - 520. |
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Veen J., Dallmeijer H., Diop M.S., Folmer E., Mullié W.C., Sylla M. & Veen T. (2023) The diet of the West African Crested Tern unveiled by an analysis of otoliths collected over 20 years along its main breeding sites. ARDEA 111 (2) : 521 - 532. |
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Summers R.W., Swann R.L., Etheridge B. & Elkins N. (2023) Migrations, destinations and breeding of Eurasian Curlews Numenius arquata arquata that spend the non-breeding season in northern Scotland. ARDEA 111 (2) : 533 - 542. |
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Treinys R., Komar E. & Vaitkuvienė D. (2023) Contrasting trends and dynamics in the autumn aggregation of White-tailed Eagles at two fishponds in Lithuania. ARDEA 111 (2) : 543 - 548. |
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Fijn R.C. & Kemper J. (2023) Sandwich Tern feeds juvenile on wintering grounds in southern Namibia. ARDEA 111 (2) : 549 - 553. |
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Fuertes-Recuero M., Longhin D., Chiesurin L., Tusini S., Fontanillas Pérez J.C. & Cantarero A. (2023) First report of polymelia in a passerine bird, the Pied Flycatcher. ARDEA 111 (2) : 554 - 557. |
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Fijn R.C. & van Bemmelen R.S.A. (2023) Second breeding attempts of Sandwich Terns in a different colony: facilitated by breeding asynchrony between colonies? ARDEA 111 (2) : 558 - 563. |
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