Searching for: [jaar] = 2018
Piersma T. (2018) Editorial: Ornithology from the flatlands. The logic to questions about birds (and other topics). ARDEA 106 (1) : 1 - 2. |
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Veen J., Dallmeijer H. & Veen T. (2018) Selecting piscivorous bird species for monitoring environmental change in the Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania. ARDEA 106 (1) : 5 - 18. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Ganesh T. & Prashanth M.B. (2018) A first compilation of harrier roost counts from India suggests population declines of wintering birds over 30 years. ARDEA 106 (1) : 19 - 29. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
de Jong M., van den Eertwegh L., Beskers R.E., de Vries P.P., Spoelstra K. & Visser M.E. (2018) Timing of avian breeding in an urbanised world. ARDEA 106 (1) : 31 - 38. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Schlicht E. & Kempenaers B. (2018) The immediate impact of ringing, blood sampling and PIT-tag implanting on the behaviour of Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus. ARDEA 106 (1) : 39 - 50. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Väli Ü. (2018) Timing of breeding events of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Clanga pomarina as revealed by remote cameras and GPS-tracking. ARDEA 106 (1) : 51 - 60. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Fülöp A., Daróczi S.J., Dehelean A.S., Dehelean L.A., Domahidi Z., Dósa A., Gyékény G., Hegyeli Z., Kis R.B., Komáromi I.S., Kovács I., Miholcsa T., Nagy A.A., Nagy A., Ölvedi S.Z., Papp T., Pârâu L.G., Sándor A.K., Sos T. & Zeitz R. (2018) Autumn passage of soaring birds over Dobrogea (Romania): a migration corridor in Southeast Europe. ARDEA 106 (1) : 61 - 77. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Smith P. (2018) The identity of Sylvia ruficollis Vieillot, 1817 and Azara’s No. 240 “Cola aguda cola de canela obscura†(Aves: Furnariidae).. ARDEA 106 (1) : 79 - 83. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Ferrarini A., Giglio G., Pellegrino S.C., Frassanito A. & Gustin M. (2018) First evidence of mutually exclusive home ranges in the two main colonies of Lesser Kestrels in Italy. ARDEA 106 (1) : 85 - 89. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Book Reviews (2018) Book Reviews. ARDEA 106 (1) : 91 - 93. |
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Bijlsma, R.G. (2018) Ornithology from the tree tops. Raptors and homing pigeons, from boom to bust. ARDEA 106 (2) : 95 - 96. |
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Rogalla S. & Arizaga J. (2018) Opportunistic stopovers of Willow Warblers Phylloscopus trochilus in a reed bed area at the Bay of Biscay during autumn migration. ARDEA 106 (2) : 97 - 104. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Sikora A. & Neubauer G. (2018) Body mass increase before an oversea jump in a short-distance migrant, the White-throated Dipper Cinclus cinclus. ARDEA 106 (2) : 105 - 117. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Vieira B.P., Furness R.W. & Nager R.G. (2018) What do we know about Black Skimmers? A review on its annual-cycle and life-history main events. ARDEA 106 (2) : 119 - 130. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Gutiérrez J.S. & Soriano-Redondo A. (2018) Wilson's Phalaropes can double their feeding rate by associating with Chilean Flamingos. ARDEA 106 (2) : 131 - 138. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Pérez-Granados C., Bustillo-de la Rosa D., Gómez-Catasús J., Barrero A., Abril-Colón I. & Traba J. (2018) Autonomous recording units as effective tool for monitoring of the rare and patchily distributed Dupont’s Lark Chersophilus duponti. ARDEA 106 (2) : 139 - 146. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Van Nieuland S., Baetens J.M., Janssen R. & De Baets B. (2018) Habitat characteristics of possible hunting grounds of the Eurasian Eagle Owl in Limburg, The Netherlands. ARDEA 106 (2) : 147 - 162. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Thies L., Tomkovich P., dos Remedios N., Lislevand T., Pinchuk P., Wallander J., Dänhardt J., Þórisson B., Blomqvist D. & Küpper C. (2018) Population and subspecies differentiation in a high latitude breeding wader, the Common Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula. ARDEA 106 (2) : 163 - 176. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Grieco F. (2018) Aggregation of Eurasian Scops Owls Otus scops breeding in Magpie Pica pica nests. ARDEA 106 (2) : 177 - 191. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Hernández M.-A., Rojo M.-A., SantamarÃa T., Dias S. & Campos F. (2018) Bird ringing and molecular genetics: two complementary ways for describing the movements of White-throated Dippers Cinclus cinclus. ARDEA 106 (2) : 193 - 202. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Barros R., Medrano F., Silva R. & de Groote F. (2018) First breeding site record of Hornby’s Storm Petrel Oceanodroma hornbyi in the Atacama Desert, Chile. ARDEA 106 (2) : 203 - 207. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Bijlsma R.G. (2018) Book reviews. ARDEA 106 (2) : 209 - 211. |
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