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Searching for: [jaar] = 2017

Bijlsma R.G. (2017) Ornithology from the tree tops. Of predation and life. ARDEA 105 (1) : 1 - 3. [free copy]
ÄŒech M. & ÄŒech P. (2017) Effect of brood size on food provisioning rate in Common Kingfishers Alcedo atthis. ARDEA 105 (1) : 5 - 17. [abstract]
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Brandsma O.H., Kentie R. & Piersma T. (2017) Why did Lapwings Vanellus vanellus in managed habitat advance egg laying during a period without warming early springs? ARDEA 105 (1) : 19 - 26. [abstract]
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Gholamhosseini1 A., Aliabadian M., Darvish J., Töpfer T. & Sætre G.-P. (2017) An expanding hybrid zone between Black-headed and Red-headed Buntings in northern Iran. ARDEA 105 (1) : 27 - 36. [abstract]
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Gammon D.E. & Lyon R.P. (2017) An acoustic comparison of mimetic and nonmimetic song in Northern Mockingbirds Mimus polyglottos. ARDEA 105 (1) : 37 - 42. [abstract]
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Both C., Burger C., Ouwehand J., Samplonius J.M., Ubels R. & Bijlsma R.G. (2017) Delayed age at first breeding and experimental removals show large non-breeding surplus in Pied Flycatchers. ARDEA 105 (1) : 43 - 60. [abstract]
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Hebda G., Wesołowski T. & Rowiński P. (2017) Nest sites of a strong excavator, the Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major, in a primeval forest. ARDEA 105 (1) : 61 - 71. [abstract]
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van Nus T. & Neto J.M. (2017) Urban roost of wintering Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica in Aveiro, Portugal. ARDEA 105 (1) : 73 - 78. [abstract]
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Ferreiro-Carballal S., Belda E.J., Ceresa F. & Monrós J.S. (2017) Dietary characterization of Savi’s Warbler Locustella luscinioides and Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus in eastern Spain. ARDEA 105 (1) : 79 - 83. [abstract]
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Kempenaers B. (2017) Ornithology from the lakeshore. The evolution of advertising. ARDEA 105 (2) : 85 - 87. [free copy]
Zarco A. & Cueto V.R. (2017) Winter flock structure in the central Monte desert, Argentina. ARDEA 105 (2) : 89 - 97. [abstract]
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Carrillo J., González-Dávila E. & Ruiz X. (2017) Breeding diet of Eurasian Kestrels Falco tinnunculus on the oceanic island of Tenerife. ARDEA 105 (2) : 99 - 111. [abstract]
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Oudman T., de Goeij P., Piersma T. & Lok T. (2017) Colony-breeding Eurasian Spoonbills in The Netherlands: local limits to population growth with expansion into new areas. ARDEA 105 (2) : 113 - 124. [abstract]
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Kappers E.F., Chakarov N., Krüger O., Mueller A.K., Valcu M., Kempenaers B. & Both C. (2017) Classification and temporal stability of plumage variation in Common Buzzards. ARDEA 105 (2) : 125 - 136. [abstract]
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Li S., Cao Z., Li G. & Li W. (2017) Breeding ecology of the Masked Laughingthrush Garrulax perspicillatus, a cooperative breeder in central China. ARDEA 105 (2) : 137 - 144. [abstract]
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Tanneberger F., Flinks H., Arbeiter S., Minets M. & Hegemann A. (2017) Diet analysis of wetland passerine nestlings using neck collars or faecal sampling produces similar results. ARDEA 105 (2) : 145 - 152. [abstract]
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Onrust J. & Piersma T. (2017) The hungry worm feeds the bird. ARDEA 105 (2) : 153 - 161. [abstract]
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Karimov T. & Guliyev G. (2017) Diet composition of four vulture species in Azerbaijan. ARDEA 105 (2) : 163 - 168. [abstract]
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Book reviews (2017) Book reviews. ARDEA 105 (2) : 169 - 175. [free copy]

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