Searching for: [jaar] = 2022
Kempenaers B. (2022) The Firebirds. ARDEA 110 (1) : 1 - 4. |
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Puswal S.M., Mei J., Wang M. & Liu F. (2022) Daily and seasonal patterns in the singing activity of birds in East China. ARDEA 110 (1) : 5 - 14. |
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Fijn R.C., Govers L.L., Lutterop D., Middelveld R.P. & van Bemmelen R.S.A. (2022) Evidence of nocturnal migration over sea and sex-specific migration distance of Dutch Black-headed Gulls. ARDEA 110 (1) : 15 - 29. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Marchowski D., Mohr A., Åawicki Å. & Jankowiak Å. (2022) Warmer winters increase the breeding success of the Goosander in the Pomeranian Lake District in Poland. ARDEA 110 (1) : 31 - 40. |
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Vervoort R., Schmaltz L.E., Hooijmeijer J.C.E.W., Verkuil Y.I., Kempenaers B. & Piersma T (2022) Within- and between-year variation in the presence of individually marked Ruff Calidris pugnax at a stopover site during northward migration. ARDEA 110 (1) : 41 - 59. |
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Vervoort R., Schmaltz L.E., Hooijmeijer J.C.E.W., Verkuil Y.I., Kempenaers B. & Piersma T. (2022) Supplementary Data: Within- and between-year variation in the presence of individually marked Ruff Calidris pugnax at a stopover site during northward migration. ARDEA 110 (1) : 41 - 59. |
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Briggs K.B. & Deeming D.C. (2022) Effects of year and box size on construction of Eurasian Nuthatch Sitta europaea nests. ARDEA 110 (1) : 61 - 74. |
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Versluijs M., Mikusiński G. & Roberge J.-M. (2022) Foraging behaviour of the Eurasian Three-toed Woodpecker Picoides tridactylus in its peak abundance after wildfire. ARDEA 110 (1) : 75 - 88. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Corregidor-Castro A. & Valle R.G. (2022) Semi-automated counts on drone imagery of breeding seabirds using free accessible software. ARDEA 110 (1) : 89 - 97. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Liu P., Lai M., Wang M. & Sun Y. (2022) Females and males sing distinctly different songs in a temperate zone songbird. ARDEA 110 (1) : 99 - 105. |
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Piersma T. (2022) Socially migrating Cuckoos? On genes being just one of many resources shaping the individual development of migration. ARDEA 110 (2) : 107 - 110. |
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Oosterveld E.B., Klop E. & van der Zee E. (2022) Key habitat factors of breeding birds in agricultural hedgerow landscapes in East-Fryslân, The Netherlands, in European perspective – ecological evaluation and relation to agri-environmental schemes. ARDEA 110 (2) : 111 - 124. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Núňez Montellano M.G. Alauie A.E. & Areta J.I. (2022) Breeding biology of the White-throated Cacholote Pseudoseisura gutturalis ochroleuca, an endemic bird of the Monte Desert. ARDEA 110 (2) : 125 - 136. |
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Sutton L.J. & Loram S.W. (2022) Diet specialization in an insular population of coastal Peregrine Falcons. ARDEA 110 (2) : 137 - 144. |
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Sarà M., Mascara R., Nardo A. & Zanca L. (2022) Climate effects on breeding phenology of Peregrine and Lanner Falcons in the Mediterranean. ARDEA 110 (2) : 145 - 159. |
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Pereira P.F., Godinho C., Lopes C. & Lourenço R. (2022) Seed dispersal by an invasive exotic bird in Europe. ARDEA 110 (2) : 161 - 168. |
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Schreven K.H.T., Bijlsma R.G. & Both C. (2022) Brood sex ratio in European Honey Buzzards Pernis apivorus is related to spring phenology. ARDEA 110 (2) : 169 - 186. |
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Penning E., Verkuil Y.I., Klunder L. & Reneerkens J. (2022) Sanderlings feed on a diverse spectrum of prey worldwide but primarily rely on Brown Shrimp in the Wadden Sea. ARDEA 110 (2) : 187 - 199. |
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Altenburg J.F., van den Brink B., Boudewijn T.J., Drop J., van Muiswinkel J.M. & van Horssen P. (2022) Long-term trends in laying date and fledged young of Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica in two regions of The Netherlands. ARDEA 110 (2) : 201 - 212. |
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Temizyürek T., Johannknecht M. & Korsten P. (2022) Incubation before clutch completion predicts incubation time and hatching asynchrony in the Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus. ARDEA 110 (2) : 213 - 225. |
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Gorosito C.A., Tuero D.T. & Cueto V.R. (2022) Breeding biology of the Chilean Elaenia Elaenia chilensis, a long-distance migratory passerine in South America. ARDEA 110 (2) : 227 - 238. |
[abstract] [samenvatting] [pdf] |
Garrido-Bautista J., Santos-Baena C., Ramos J.A., Moreno-Rueda G. & Cláudia Norte A. (2022) A mixed brood of Coal Tits Periparus ater and Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus in Central Portugal. ARDEA 110 (2) : 239 - 242. |
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Kiat Y., Mayrose A. & Schekler I. (2022) Abnormal plumage in adult Common Terns Sterna hirundo during the breeding season. ARDEA 110 (2) : 243 - 248. |
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