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Drent R.H. (1996) Foreword: foreward, ever onwards. ARDEA 84 (A) : 0 - 0. [free copy]
Zwarts L., Hulscher J.B., Koopman K. & Zegers P.M. (1996) Discriminating the sex of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A) : 1 - 12. [abstract]
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Liechti F., Ehrich D. & Bruderer B. (1996) Flight behaviour of White Stork Ciconia ciconia on their migration over southern Israel. ARDEA 84 (1) : 3 - 13. [abstract]
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Zwarts L., Hulscher J.B. & Zegers P.M. (1996) Weight loss in Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus at the high roost. ARDEA 84 (A) : 13 - 20. [abstract]
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Kahlert J., Fox A.D. & Ettrup H. (1996) Nocturnal feeding in moulting Greylag Geese Anser anser- An anti-predator response? ARDEA 84 (1) : 15 - 22. [abstract]
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Zwarts L., Hulscher J.B., Koopman K. & Zegers P.M. (1996) Body weight in relation to variation in body size of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A) : 21 - 28. [abstract]
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Nehls G. (1996) Low costs of salt turnover in Common Eiders Somateria mollissima. ARDEA 84 (1) : 23 - 30. [abstract]
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Exo K.M., Scheiffarth G. & Haesihus U. (1996) The application of motion sensitive transmitters to record activity and foraging patterns of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A) : 29 - 38. [abstract]
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Meltofte H. (1996) Are African wintering waders really forced south by competition from northerly wintering conspecifics? Benefits and constraints of northern versus southern wintering and breeding in waders. ARDEA 84 (1) : 31 - 44. [abstract]
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van der Meer J., Duin R.N.M. & Meininger P.L. (1996) Statistical analysis of long-term monthly Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus counts. ARDEA 84 (A) : 39 - 55. [abstract]
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Gronstol G.B. (1996) Aerobatic components in the song-flight display of male Lapwings Vanellus vanellus as cues in female choice. ARDEA 84 (1) : 45 - 55. [abstract]
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Turpie J.K. & Hockey P.A.R. (1996) Foraging ecology and seasonal energy budgets of estuarine Grey Plovers Pluvialis squatarola and Whimbrels Numenius phaeopus at the Southern tip of Africa. ARDEA 84 (1) : 57 - 74. [abstract]
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Kersten M. & Visser W. (1996) Food intake by Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus by day and by night measured with an electronic nest balance. ARDEA 84 (A) : 57 - 72. [abstract]
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Ens B.J., Bunskoeke E.J., Hoekstra R., Hulscher J.B., Kersten M. & de Vlas S.J. (1996) Prey choice and search speed: why simple optimality fails to explain the prey choice of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus feeding on Nereis diversicolor and Macoma balthica. ARDEA 84 (A) : 73 - 89. [abstract]
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Cadee N., Piersma T. & Daan S. (1996) Endogenous circannual rhythmicity in a non-passerine migrant, the Knot Calidris canutus. ARDEA 84 (1) : 75 - 84. [abstract]
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Tomkovich P.S. & Soloviev M.Y. (1996) Distribution, migrations and biometrics of Knots Calidris canutus canutus on Taimyr, Siberia. ARDEA 84 (1) : 85 - 98. [abstract]
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Bunskoeke E.J., Ens B.J., Hulscher J.B. & de Vlas S.J. (1996) Why do Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus switch from feeding on Baltic Tellin Macoma balthica to feeding on the Ragworm Nereis diversicolor during the breeding season? ARDEA 84 (A) : 91 - 104. [abstract]
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Cherubini G., Serra L. & Baccetti N. (1996) Primary moult, body mass and moult migration of Little Tern Sterna albifrons in NE Italy. ARDEA 84 (1) : 99 - 114. [abstract]
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de Vlas S.J., Bunskoeke E.J., Ens B.J. & Hulscher J.B. (1996) Tidal changes in the choice of Nereis diversicolor and Macoma balthica as main prey species in de diet of the Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A) : 105 - 116. [abstract]
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Nager R.G. & Wiersma P. (1996) Physiological adjustment to heat in Blue Tit Parus caeruleus nestlings from a Mediterranean habitat. ARDEA 84 (1) : 115 - 125. [abstract]
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Hulscher J.B., Alting D., Bunskoeke E.J., Ens B.J. & Heg D. (1996) Subtle differences between male and female Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus in feeding on the bivalve Macoma balthica. ARDEA 84 (A) : 117 - 130. [abstract]
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Horak P. & Tammaru T. (1996) Between-year variation in breeding conditions biases heritability estimates for body size in birds. ARDEA 84 (1) : 127 - 135. [abstract]
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Hulsman K., Zalucki M.P. & Iedema A. (1996) Searching behaviour and diet of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus pairs feeding in their territories. ARDEA 84 (A) : 131 - 139. [abstract]
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Meire P.M. (1996) Using optimal foraging theory to determine the density of Mussels Mytilus edulis that can be harvested by hammering Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A) : 141 - 152. [abstract]
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Durell S.E.A. le V.Dit, Goss-Custard J.D. & Perez-Hurtado A. (1996) The efficiency of juvenile Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus feeding on Ragworms Nereis diversicolor. ARDEA 84 (A) : 153 - 157. [abstract]
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Ens B.J., Dirksen S., Smit C.J. & Bunskoeke E.J. (1996) Seasonal changes in size selection and intake rate of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus feeding on the bivalves Mytilus edulis and Cerastoderma edule. ARDEA 84 (A) : 159 - 176. [abstract]
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Wanink J.H. & Zwarts L. (1996) Can food specialization by individual Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus be explained by differences in prey specific handling efficiencies? ARDEA 84 (A) : 177 - 198. [abstract]
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Goss-Custard J.D., West A.D., Caldow R.W.G. & Durell S.E.A. le V. dit (1996) An emperical optimality model to predict the intake rates of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus feeding on Mussels Mytilus edulis. ARDEA 84 (A) : 199 - 214. [abstract]
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Ens B.J. & Alting D. (1996) Prey selection of a captive Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A) : 215 - 219. [abstract]
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Zwarts L. & Blomert A.M. (1996) Daily metabolized energy consumption of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus feeding on larvae of the crane fly Tipula paludosa. ARDEA 84 (A) : 221 - 228. [abstract]
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Zwarts L., Ens B.J., Goss-Custard J.D., Hulscher J.B. & Durell S.E.A. le V. dit (1996) Causes of variation in prey profitability and its consequences for the intake rate of the Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A) : 229 - 268. [abstract]
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Zwarts L., Ens B.J., Goss-Custard J.D., Hulscher J.B. & Kersten M. (1996) Why Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus cannot meet their daily energy requirements in a single low water period. ARDEA 84 (A) : 269 - 290. [abstract]
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Kersten M. (1996) Time and energy budgets of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus occupying territories of different quality. ARDEA 84 (A) : 291 - 310. [abstract]
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Leopold M.F., van Elk J.F. & van Heezik Y.M. (1996) Central place foraging in Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus: can parents that transport Mussels Mytilus edulis to their young profit from size selection? ARDEA 84 (A) : 311 - 325. [abstract]
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Zwarts L., Hulscher J.B., Koopman K., Piersma T. & Zegers P.M. (1996) Seasonal and annual variation in body weight, nutrient stores and mortality of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A) : 327 - 356. [abstract]
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Zwarts L., Hulscher J.B., Koopman K., & Zegers P.M. (1996) Short-term variation in the body weight of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus: effect of exposure time by day and night, temperature and wind force . ARDEA 84 (A) : 357 - 372. [abstract]
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Durell S.E.A. le V. dit & Goss-Custard J.D. (1996) Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus sex ratios on the wintering grounds: the case of the Exe estuary. ARDEA 84 (A) : 373 - 381. [abstract]
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Durell S.E.A. le V. dit, Ormerod S.J. & Dare P.J. (1996) Differences in population structure between two Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus roosts on the Burry Inlet, South Wales. ARDEA 84 (A) : 383 - 388. [abstract]
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Caldow R.W.G. & Goss-Custard J.D. (1996) Temporal variation in the social rank of adult Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A) : 389 - 399. [abstract]
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Zwarts L., Wannink J.H. & Ens B.J. (1996) Predicting seasonal and annual fluctuations in the local exploitation of different prey by Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus: a ten-year study in the Wadden Sea. ARDEA 84 (A) : 401 - 440. [abstract]
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Ens B.J., Merck T., Smit C.J. & Bunskoeke E.J. (1996) Functional and numerical response of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus on shellfish populations. ARDEA 84 (A) : 441 - 452. [abstract]
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Goss-Custard J.D., McGrorty S. & Durell S.E.A. le V. dit (1996) The effect of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus on shellfish populations. ARDEA 84 (A) : 453 - 468. [abstract]
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Camphuysen C.J., Ens B.J., Heg D., Hulscher J.B., van der Meer J. & Smit C.J. (1996) Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus winter mortality in The Netherlands: the effect of severe weather and food supply. ARDEA 84 (A) : 469 - 492. [abstract]
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Ens B.J. & Alting D. (1996) The effect of an experimentally created mussel bed on bird densities and food intake of the Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus. ARDEA 84 (A) : 493 - 507. [abstract]
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Meire P.M. (1996) Feeding behaviour of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus during a period of tidal manipulations. ARDEA 84 (A) : 509 - 524. [abstract]
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Meire P.M. (1996) Distribution of Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus over a tidal flat in relation to their main prey species, Cockles Cerastoderma edule and Mussels Mytilus edulis: did it change after a substantial habitat loss? ARDEA 84 (A) : 525 - 538. [abstract]
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